Transport and Industry Development Investment Joint Stock Company (Tracodi)

TCD - The Resolution of the BOD regarding transactions with related parties

Transport and Industry Development Investment Joint Stock Company (TRACODI) announces the following Resolutions regarding transactions with related parties:

1) Resolution of the BOD No. 02/2018/NQ-HĐQT-TCD dated January 02, 2018 on approval of loan from the Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City Branch to support business operations and economic transactions in 2018;
2) Resolution of the BOD No. 31/2018/NQ-HĐQT-TCD dated June 18, 2018 on approval of economic transactions in 2018;
3) Resolution of the BOD No. 01/2019/NQ-TTHĐQT-TCD dated July 01, 2019 on approval of authorization for the General Director to sign business cooperation contracts with a value not exceeding 35% of the total assets recorded in the most recent financial statements and economic transactions in 2019;
4) Resolution of the BOD No. 41/2019/NQ-HĐQT-TCD dated May 23, 2019 on stablishing an Internal Control and Audit department under the Board of Supervisor to oversee and approve economic transactions;
5) Resolution of the BOD No. 83/2019/NQ-TTHĐQT-TCD dated December 17, 2019 about requesting credit granted from Orient Commercial Joint Stock Bank (OCB) and conduct economic transactions in 2019;
6) Resolution of the BOD No. 01/2020/NQ-TTHĐQT-TCD dated January 09, 2020 on loan from Nam A Commercial Joint Stock Bank (Nam A Bank) and economic transactions in 2020;
7) Resolution of the BOD No. 25/2020/NQ-HĐQT-TCD dated June 22, 2020 regarding dissolution and terminate the operations of the Capital Source Committee of Tracodi;
8) Resolution of the BOD No. 63/2020/NQ-HĐQT-TCD dated December 10, 2020 regarding loan, guarantees, letter of credit and at Saigon-Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Dong Do Branch, and conduct economic transactions in 2021;
9) Resolution of the BOD No. 1.1/2021/NQ-HĐQT-TCD dated January 05, 2021 on approval to implement strategy and plan for capital mobilization in business cooperation and joint venture investments;
10) Resolution of the BOD No. 15/2021/NQ-HĐQT-TCD dated March 22, 2021 on approval to issue the Organizational Structure Regulations of Tracodi;
11) Resolution of the BOD No. 04.1/2022/NQ-HĐQT-TCD dated January 14, 2022 regarding the re-establishment of the Internal Audit Department of Tracodi;
12) Resolution of the BOD No. 96/2022/NQ-HĐQT-TCD dated November 01, 2022 on approval to issue of the Organizational Structure and Operations Chart of Tracodi.