Transport and Industry Development Investment Joint Stock Company (Tracodi)

TCD - BOD resolution on the investment in B.O.T ĐT 830 Co., Ltd

Transport and Industry Development Investment Joint Stock Company announces the Board Resolution No.58/201/NQ-HĐQT dated December 21, 2018 on approval of the following contents:

1. Approve to receive the transfer of stake of B.O.T ĐT 830 Com. Ltd with the transfer value of VND 69,875,000,000, equivalent to 25% charter capital of B.O.T ĐT 830 Co., Ltd. 
  • Company name: B.O.T ĐT 830 Com. Ltd
  • Address: 31 Street No.10, hamlet 4, An Thanh Commune, Ben Luc District, Long An Province, Viet Nam.
  • Charter capital: VND215,000,000,000.

2. Appoint Mr. Nguyen Thanh Hung to act as the stake representative of Transport and Industry Development Investment Joint Stock Company in B.O.T ĐT 830 Co., Ltd.