BCG Energy supports households facing difficulties in Thanh Hoa District, Long An

(BCG) BCG Energy Join Stock Company (BCGE) – a subsidiary of Bamboo Capital Group (BCG) gave 300 gifts to people facing difficulties due to the Covid-19 pandemic in 3 commune: Thuan Nghia Hoa, Thanh Phu, Thanh Phuoc, Thanh Hoa district, Long An province. Each gift includes 1 box of instant noodles, 5 kg of rice and 10 medical face masks.

BCG Energy gifts to households facing difficulties in Thanh Hoa District, Long An Province

Households in Thanh Hoa District wait to receive gifts during the Covid-19 epidemic

As one of the most active companies in Long An province, BCGE currently owns a diversified portfolio of renewable energy projects in the province including solar energy, floating solar energy, rooftop solar energy with a total capacity of more than 300MWp.

BCM-CME Long An 1 solar plant with a total capacity of 40.6MWp has been successfully deployed and put into commercial exploitation and operation in June 2019; a part of the BCG-CME Long An 2 solar plant with a capacity of 100.5MWp has also been successfully put into operation, expected the entire project will be operated in Q2 / 2020. Both projects are located in Thanh Hoa District, Long An province.

In the future, BCGE is also seeking the feasibility of implementing the liquefied natural gas energy project in Long An province.


Information from Long An Radio and Television: